Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Alternative housing is great. It's something I've been into since I was a little girl - and one of the inspirations for considering becoming an architect.

Nope, it didn't happen. I am not an architect, just familiar with many of the art's principles.

Teaser: I have since re-considered the field, as it could be an ideal way to help re-design (as in "again") family structure as we pioneer our way into the rest of the Solar System and beyond: frugal, healthy and good for you too!

One of the things I looked at lately: Bakka, the brand-new Laotian online periodical brought to my attention by my friend over at The Other Side of the Eye.

The cover page over at Bakka shows a lovely doorway, shown from the inside looking toward outside, and features some wonderful architecture (drool). Architecture that made me think not only alternative housing styles; but one in particular (and particularly close to my heart): Domes! Most likely geodesic but maybe earth-filled?

Again: nope.

It belongs to the Mushroom House by Pepsy Kettavong. I wanted to see it - but alas, not in Bakka.

So after digging around online (thank you, Google), I found a Mushroom House in Canada, and one somewhere in Colorado. That last really does resemble barnacles rather than mushrooms - but apparently the "mushroom house" name has stood for several decades, as has the house. It is an actual abode, with a piano teacher living in it the entire time.

She has the wonderful predicament of living in a house custom built for her - and custom built for her needs and activities. Such a terrible thing (for those of us that cannot have that at present).

So go, off with you, and see if you can indeed face the music from Canada.

Be Well

~ bb


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