Wednesday, September 27, 2006

George Takei Still Rocks!

Imagine Sulu as a mature man, wearing those long leather jackets and long locks kind of like in one of the last Star Trek movies (a good one, so pick an even number) - with a family, and 30 years older than we last saw him.

Hmmm. Something to think about. (Even if, as they say, the good ones are always either gay, already taken - or both! )

The latest bit out there is that George Takei is doing Internet Star Trek: talk about a guilty pleasure! He is one of the very few ST-anything series actors to grace one of the continuing ST episodes on James Cawley's Star Trek New Voyages website.

The episode, being released sometime in March as a free internet download from the website, is called World Enough and Time and the plot reminds me of that ST-Next Gen. episode where Picard gets pseudo-transported into the floating artifact and lives to old age on the planet of the people who launched said artifact when their world died.

Picard got to wake up, just holding his recorder-like "flute" and lived on, saving the day and always wondering about just how much life he had really lived, since he didn't seem to age in the regular timeline of the show.

Sulu, on the other hand, gets to live 30 years, have a family - and be "returned" in the blink of an eye, also without any aging - but what does he end up with, after all?

We'll have to keep an eye out for that web-isode, won't we?

~ bb


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