L'toile du Nord

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Buckyball as Earth,
PanGaea as Gaiea,
EarthMother, Venus of Willendorf;
SkyHook's fullerene threads
twirling glossy expanse of freedom
launching pregnant seeds
past dwarf planets unseen,
out, out to Oort and beyond.
Hey, it's Voyager!)

(c) CML 10/18/06

(C) CyMLee Designs (2004)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Testing, Testing. . .

Yes, I'm testing the blog-by-email function I just set up.

Hope it works; but am expecting it will.



NaNoWriMo - It's Coming!

Yup, it's around the corner again, and I'm scheduled to be insane for a month, driving my family crazy with disappearing into the computer room for hours doing, as one of my favourite authors advises, the BIC technique.

WHat?! No, not the pen people, right?!

No, not the pen people, the pen company or whatever you may think of them, no, not at all, unless you use pen and paper, rather than the electric dots paving the way into our word processors of whatever nature.

B.I.C. = Butt in Chair

Doesn't sound so fancy a technique, when it comes to that, but as I found last year, when I took a chance on myself, and expanding my self's definitions, it can be pretty hard, especially when the rest of life (including hubby, birds and small children) are all demanding to see Wife/Mommy. Worse when it's obvious that they are being demanding because they just. . . miss you.

So. Take a chance on yourself. Check out NaNoWriMo, otherwise known as the National Novel Writing Month, back every year for the whole of the Month of November. Kids, too, if you're old enough.

Take a chance.

Go to the website, read the FAQ (frequently asked questions), the rules, dig around a little.

Then sign on, no matter when in the month of November it is (I had 7-15 days or something like that), and see if you can beat my wimpy little ~7800 words. I'm sure you can, and I'll be right there with you, trying to beat my 2005 word total, too. Whatever lousy stuff comes out, if I don't say "yes" and do BIC, then nothing will get written - but if I take that chance again, maybe someday I'll be a novel-writer, even if it's only one novel.

Not a bad thing to add to one's life achievements, eh?

Do it.

; D


YAG Card Designs Now Up!

Check out the latest over at the YAG blog!


Friday, October 13, 2006

This is the latest version of the logo* for YAG. I quite like it; and it should transfer to print or embroidery nicely, too.

*Logo (c) CyMLee Designs, 2006.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New logo idea for YAG.

What do you think?

Monday, October 02, 2006


Annual Asian Pacific American Conference at Minnesota State University, Mankato

Minnesota State University, Mankato’s Asian American Affairs Program presents its Annual Asian Pacific American Conference. The conference will be held on October 20-21, 2006 in its Centennial Student Union.

The Asian Pacific American Conference mission is to build leadership and to provide an opportunity for academic scholars, students, professionals and community members to discuss the topics that affect the Asian Pacific American and majority society on a local, national and international level.

This year’s theme of “Sharing Our Stories, Uniting our Communities” features keynote speakers: Dr. H. L. Tran, CEO & President of Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum; Dr. Erika Lee, historian, immigration specialist and author of “At America’s Gates: Chinese Immigration During the Exclusion Era” and Chong Kim, Survivor, Educator and Advocate for ending human trafficking.

Other presenters include: Bryan Thao Worra, poet, writer, and journalist; Shane Carlin, the founder and President of the NAAAP-Columbus Venture; Pheng Thao, MSU Alumnus and Hmong Cultural Consultant; Gina Kundan, the Diversity & Cultural Center Advisor and Diversity Consultant; Ka Vang, Diversity & Multiculturalism Program Director at the Office of the Chancellor; Ilean Her, Executive Director for the State Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans; Hedy Tripp, Create Community Coordinator and teaches Asian American Studies at Saint Cloud State University; Jocelyn Michele Buhain, Ph.D., Therapist at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Counseling Center; Vu Tran, Independent Documentary Filmmaker; YeeLeng Hang, Director of Student Life at Metropolitan State University; Phia Xiong, Social Worker with Dakota County Social Services and Dr. Vinai Norasakkunkit, Assistant Professor of Cultural Psychology at MN State, Mankato.

Other featured conference events include: Youth Day, Spoken Word Night, APA Talent Show & Award Banquet and Comedy Night featuring Stir Fridays, an Asian American theater company based in Chicago.

For more information or to register, visit: http://www.mnsu.edu/cultdiv/aaa/ or contact Penh Lo, Asian American Affairs, Centennial Student Union 243, Mankato, MN 56001 at (507) 389-2799, 800-722-0544 or penh.lo@mnsu.edu.